Hi there. I have not had a chance to writing a post.
I happened to start studying on Internet Marketing a couple of week ago. In fact, I am just reading a very basic book of this kind at this moment because I need to study...
I was asked to translate a web page for English speakers, however, translating is not a simple transposition of words but expressing in different language. I want to do a good job and make a good business web page. This is the reason for study.
Though I already have a B.A., have a family and work as a language staff, I want to look to different area which I have never thought about.
The company I work for gave me a chance to explore and study about something new.
One teacher of mine taught me "Young people have a heart of Challenge".
This is a challenge for me, and reading book and studying really brings a spirit I used to have in University. This is not bad:) I want to stay young!
I do not know how it is going to be, and how much I can do. Fortunately, I have a co-worker who knows about Internet Marketing well and also understands English. So it will be OK.
I really feel I am a lucky person.
I know it is going to be tough, and hard work. I will make it!!!
Taking Care Of Our Feathered Friends
5 years ago